Funny stories... tales from the road... life with us.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Clean Up

I have forgotten to address the cleaning company that came to our house last Friday, and who will continue to bless us bi-weekly for the foreseeable future... totally, absolutely, 100 percent worth it.

Our house hasn't been this spic-and-span since the people we bought it from had it cleaned before we moved in. Seriously. I like to think I keep a clean house, but this surpassed by expectations.

And it smelled like lemon Pledge when I got home. Happy sigh.

The crew came on Friday, and Rob swung by during his lunch to check them out. He said furniture was flipped over, dust was flying and the place was buzzing. My bathroom floor has never been so clean, nor have my shower doors (does anyone else struggle with filmy build-up on those, no matter what??).

So, the verdict is a good one. I'm happy and less stressed, our home is clean and it's one less thing for Rob to take on for the next few weeks. Trust me, I'm enough. :)


Andrea said...

I'm SOOO jealous of you right now. I am seriously coveting your cleaning company. Pray for me.

Carrie Brown said...

Awesome!! I totally need to look one of those up occasionally if I am having overnight company and might be worth the money if it really helps relieve the stress!! Hang in there!!!:)

Kathryn said...

Andrea, I'd clean my house up one side and down the other if it meant I was cast-free and not broken! But in the meantime, I'm relishing in my tidy home. :)