Funny stories... tales from the road... life with us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not Much New...

Nothing new is happening this week... just plugging along with work and stuff at home. To Rob's delight, I'm mostly back to making dinner and am able to do some stuff around the house. Everything, that is, except laundry because I can't balance well enough to carry the basket up and down three flights of steps. Boo hoo for me. :)


Do you watch American Idol? I know Adam strikes a cord with many of my friends (maybe its his guyliner?), but I like him and hope he wins. He just more dynamic and more entertaining than Kris.

Something about Kris rubs me the wrong way. He's like every bad devo leader rolled up into one, with his cheesy smile and "aw, shucks" attitude. Sorry, Kris fans!

And how about that little Olympian Shawn taking DWTS?? I thought for sure Gilles would win, and I could barely keep my eyes open for the winner to be crowned.


My ankle is doing better every day. I bought a brace to wear that supports it, but wouldn't you know that our crazy cat made off with it last night? I left it on the table, and this morning it was gone. Rob and I turned the place upside down looking for it, but to no avail. Guess I'll have to buy another one.


I love Tootsie Roll Midgies. The perfect little treat.


Robin said...

Glad you are making such steady progress. I bet you are more than happy to return to some of your duties! I have that feeling after having a's nic to be taken care of for a while, but really you want to be a partcipant in your own household. :)