Funny stories... tales from the road... life with us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday Top 10

Blogger was being difficult last night, so I didn't complete my Tuesday Top 10 until this morning. Here goes - this week, I am thankful for...

1. A very fun trip to New York with Rob's parents. I'm lucky to have such great in-laws!
2. No cavities for me, per the dentist yesterday.
3. Good news for Rob on the job front. Long story, but it looks like most of the stress is coming to an end soon. Hallelujah!
4. Seeing a bunch of Rob's family at his cousin's high school graduation last week. It's always fun to be around them all.
5. Fresh summertime fruits and veggies that make for delicious meals and snacks.
6. Accomplishing the task of cleaning out three drawers of mine in our dresser, weeding out the stuff for Goodwill and organizing the rest. The bad news is that I have five more drawers to go, and then I tackle the other half of the closet. :(
7. Clothes that fit just a little too loose. That means I'm moving in the right direction. :)
8. Good friends who e-mail, blog and call. Thank you!
9. Safety and flood-freeness for friends who live in the midwest. I'm thinking of you!
10. Delicious nectarines!

Hope you have a great week!


Leann said...

I was gonna mention that in some of your latest photos on the blog you looked like you'd lost weight.

I miss you guys at church, but I'm loving reading about your weekend adventures.